Hi Celtics, Graduates, Parents/Guardians of Celtics & Graduates,
Do you have any
Photography gear
and/or Mobile Phones
and SD cards that need a new home????
Would you please consider donating them to St. David students
to use in the Photography Club
and the Photography/Media Arts courses.
Thanks Celtics to all of you who have donated your older cameras
and gear to the St. David Photography Club and Photography/Media Arts/Video courses.
We appreciate the donations. [cameras, lenses, SD cards/readers, mobile phones, camera bags, etc.]
The students love testing out and making good use of older technology.
Student comments this year
“Love the old cameras”
“Can I take this one on my holiday?”
“I used my grandmother’s old camera….. it was cool – but really old…” circa 2010…. 🙂
“My uncle let me use his camera, I just found out it was ‘new’ 2 years before I was born…..” [Grade 11 student]
Here’s what we are hoping that you would be willing to donate:
Cameras – any make/model/vintage – Digital or Film Cameras
Lenses – any lenses would be great.
Tripods – we would gladly take any tripods that you might have.
Flashes – if you have older flash units that would be great.
Any other camera gear or backdrops or green screens or ring lights or cases/bags.
iPhones or Samsung, iPads, iPods – any age or generation of….
and charging cables.
SD/Memory cards [and card readers] – if you don’t need your SD cards anymore, we would be extremely happy to give them a new home.
You can drop them off in the Main Office at St. David or send them to school with your daughter or son – ask them to direct the donations to Mr. Knapp.
Thank you in advance for your generosity.