
Cameras & Photography Gear Donation Request

Hi Celtics, Graduates, Parents/Guardians of Celtics & Graduates, Do you have any Cameras, Photography gear and/or Mobile Phones and SD cards that need a new home???? Would you please consider donating them to St. David students to use in the Photography Club and the Photography/Media Arts courses. Thanks Celtics to all of you who have

By |2025-01-30T12:46:52-05:00January 30th, 2025|NewsWire|Comments Off on Cameras & Photography Gear Donation Request

‘TIL DEATH DO US PART – Thursday & Friday

Please join us at St. David this week for a murder mystery entitled: 'TIL DEATH DO US PART Please click below to go to the School Cash Online links to purchase tickets for either performance, November 28th or 29th (or BOTH! :) Each night will have a different cast! Please remember to bring a device

By |2024-11-26T08:40:46-05:00November 26th, 2024|NewsWire|Comments Off on ‘TIL DEATH DO US PART – Thursday & Friday

St. David Drama Presentation

Please join us at St. David for a murder mystery entitled:  'Til Death Do Us Part Please click below to go to the School Cash Online links to purchase tickets for either performance next week, November 28th or 29th (or BOTH! :)  Each night will have a different cast! Thank you for supporting the St.

By |2024-11-21T09:41:37-05:00November 21st, 2024|NewsWire|Comments Off on St. David Drama Presentation

Entering Secondary School

Please click on this text or the graphic below to view the full PDF of the Entering Secondary School document! It's a great resource for any student coming to St. David!

By |2024-11-19T09:59:25-05:00November 19th, 2024|NewsWire|Comments Off on Entering Secondary School

Beyond the Scroll: Guiding Our Children Through the Social Media Maze

Join us for an insightful evening webinar with Dr. Alison Yeung, MD, as we explore the impact of technology on youth well-being and discover strategies for creating healthy digital boundaries. Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2024 Time: 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Dr. Alison Yeung is a practicing family physician and a Canadian Family Physician Certification (CFPC) Specialist with

By |2024-10-19T19:56:04-04:00October 19th, 2024|NewsWire|Comments Off on Beyond the Scroll: Guiding Our Children Through the Social Media Maze

Old[er] Cameras & Photography Gear Donation Request

Hi Celtics, Parents/Guardians of Celtics & Graduates, Do you have any Cameras, Photography gear and/or Mobile Phones and SD cards that need a new home???? Would you please consider donating them to St. David students to use in the Photography Club and the Photography/Media Arts courses. Thanks Celtics to all of you who have donated

By |2024-09-30T09:04:35-04:00September 30th, 2024|NewsWire|Comments Off on Old[er] Cameras & Photography Gear Donation Request

YEARBOOKS – 2023-2024 – Grads Pickup at Main Office

Hello Celtics! Last year's YEARBOOKS have arrived and they are being distributed to Period 4 classes. If you ordered/paid for a YEARBOOK last year then you will receive it in your Period 4 class. If you don't get it come see Mr. Knapp in Room 114. If students have a Period 4 spare/online course, they

By |2024-10-03T10:58:37-04:00September 27th, 2024|NewsWire|Comments Off on YEARBOOKS – 2023-2024 – Grads Pickup at Main Office

The Region of Waterloo Youth Advisory Council is looking for new members!

The Region of Waterloo Youth Advisory Council is looking for new members!  The Region of Waterloo is looking for young people (ages 14 – 25) who reflect the diversity of the Region to join a Youth Advisory Council to advise on Regional initiatives. Are you a youth or do you know youth who would like

By |2024-09-25T08:30:49-04:00September 13th, 2024|NewsWire|Comments Off on The Region of Waterloo Youth Advisory Council is looking for new members!

 St Michael Parish BBQ on Sept 28th 2024

 St Michael Catholic Church on University Avenue invites you [St. David students and families] to their Parish BBQ on September 28th, 2024 (Saturday) from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Conference Centre, 145 Dearborn Place, Waterloo.  Please read the information on the graphic below for more information about the BBQ. Please

By |2024-09-02T17:01:50-04:00September 2nd, 2024|NewsWire|Comments Off on  St Michael Parish BBQ on Sept 28th 2024
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