Welcome to Student Success at St. David
Our Student Success Team at St. David is committed to providing students with the necessary support and environment to experience success.
Garry Kraehling
Steve Bedic
Kristina Baxter
Susie Johnson
Maureen O’Grady (Community & ACTIVE Living Students)
Garry Kraehling (A-I)
Kristina Baxter (J-S)
Steve Bedic (T-Z)
Anne Masojc
Heather Pietrobon
Daniel Thoms
Kristina Baxter
The Student Success Centre is an area of the school that is dedicated to helping students successfully earn their credits. Throughout the school day, the Student Success Centre is home to various programs and serves various purposes including:
- One-to-one student instruction and support with organization, study skills, etc.
- IEP support
- A quiet and alternative learning environment
- E-learning support
- Attendance detentions
- Discipline Referrals
- Lunchtime and after-school instructional support (various teachers from different subject areas are assigned supervision here throughout the week)
- Support of students on formative and summative coursework (Credit Rescue)
- Computers available for student use
- Assistive technology available to support various student learning needs
- Monitor attendance of students in grades 9-12
- Request regular updates on individual students from their classroom teachers
- Provide 1:1 support for students who are struggling with assignment completion
- Coordinate Credit Rescue and Credit Recovery efforts
- Contact parents to ensure that students are fulfilling their responsibilities
- Advocate and support for in-risk students
- Attend meetings, workshops, and conferences to remain abreast of new philosophies pertaining to
students in risk situations
Many studies have shown that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Similar studies have shown that students tend to perform better in school and have increased focus, energy, and concentration when they’ve had something to eat in the morning. To support our students academically, St. David offers all students a nutritious start to their days with a FREE breakfast program known as the Celtic Breakfast Club. The Celtic Breakfast Club runs daily from 7:50 a.m. to 8:10 a.m. in the Hospitality Room (Room 110). Any student can drop in for a quick bite prior to going to class. The program offers a variety of healthy choices including cereal, fruit, yogurt, milk, juice, granola bars, cheese strings, toast & bagels with jam or cream cheese, breakfast sandwiches, etc. depending on availability.
Students are invited to use the Student Success Centre during lunch to work on homework, and group projects, or to receive extra help academic help. Most days, during the lunch hour, Math teachers are available to assist students..
We have an after-school homework club available from Monday to Friday from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. in Room 229. Teachers and Peer Tutors are available during this time to provide assistance with academic work. Students are encouraged to use this avenue of support regularly to get the help they need when they need it.
Students can visit Room 229 any day at lunch or after school for instructional support on the various types of questions that would appear on the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test.
Data supports that success can be directly linked to a student’s daily attendance. Students who have missed a class period for any reason are responsible for having their parent(s) clear up any absences with either a note or a phone call to our Attendance Secretary. Student Success Teachers will review weekly attendance reports to look for irregularities or trends and follow up to guide interventions and encourage an adjustment to this absenteeism. An accumulation of unexplained absences could result in a referral to an Administrator, in alignment with our school’s progressive discipline policy to assist students with their choices and challenges when it comes to attending class.
Math Tutoring: TVO Mathify
Physics, Calculus, Chemistry Tutoring (Parents must Register Student): Hive Mind Free Tutoring Program
Math & Science: Instil: Math Science Tutoring
University of Waterlooo Math Supports Website: Grade 9/10/11 Courseware
Chemistry: Periodic Table Videos