Welcome to the St. David Religious Studies Program Area.


Religion Department Staff

Amanda Phillips (Program Head – Amanda.Phillips@wcdsb.ca)

Lisa Denomme (Grade 9 and 12)

Sharon Foran (Grade 10 Religion Through Drama)

Kate Gillies (Grade 9 and 11)

Lisa Lang (Grade 10)

Caralynne Murphy (Grade 9)

Vanessa Paiva (Grade 10)

Helena Reetz (Grade 10)

Lucky Sharma (Grade 9 and 11)

(Grade 11 students experience Holi Festival – Plus Ms. Gillies after the celebration)

Some resources:

Carfleo – https://carfleo.com/

Diocese of Hamilton – https://hamiltondiocese.com/

The Vatican – http://w2.vatican.va/content/vatican/en.html

Institute for Catholic Education (Includes Course Profiles) – https://iceont.ca/